Outside of a handful of scripted encounters over the course of the 16 stages, you can actually avoid a majority of the Axis opponents in Enemy Front. As epic as it sounds, hearing the low-key theme while sneaking and the high-tempo alternative during shootouts grows old before the campaign's even halfway done. Hawkins encounters a few frequent allies during the campaign, but their interaction isn't all that memorable, save for nearly every character calling him “newspaper man.” Further hamstringing the campaign is that the musical score has two good songs the only two songs. Between the drab designs, bland voice acting, and unexpressive character models, I sometimes forgot which of the handful of named characters I was supporting during a given mission. While the story is somewhat different than the typical shooter plot that centers around overpowered soldier or group, it's not done any favors by Enemy Front's minimal presentation. Sometimes it's as small as picking between two firearms, while other times it will change the way you play through a level as you choose which side of an enemy stronghold to enter from, or whether to break through enemy lines or provide sniper support to someone else doing the run. A byproduct of Hawkins' independence from the chain of command is that when he does give military personnel a helping hand, his role often comes with interesting choices. It would be a bit awkward for a heroic soldier to spend a majority of a game's campaign alone and in the shadows, so Enemy Front casts you as Robert Hawkins, an American journalist during World War II who starts out more dedicated to writing a great story than defeating the Nazis.